Why does everyone say that Elon Musk is the new Steve Jobs?

Why him and not Jeff Bezos, for example, who is such an admired entrepreneur? And why not Bill Gates? Or Larry Page? Or Mark Zuckerberg?

It is a logical question. The answer to which everyone seems to be very clear. "Because leading innovation is not the same as leading an empire. Marc Zuckerberg is leading an empire. Bill Gates is leading an empire. But they are not visionaries. They don't create that school, that desire of I want to be like him. Bezos is a case apart because he's been creating a very big monster, but he's not scaling the profit. If you ask people who their role model is, they will tell you Steve Job, Elon Musk or Richard Branson, but not Bill Gates or Marc Zuckerberg, even though they also have admirers. It's a question of leadership style. There are leaders who play not to lose and keep the business on track. And there are leaders who play to win, like Musk and Jobs. Musk plays to win and doesn't care so much about playing not to lose," says Pere Rosales.

A very media-friendly leader

The other leg of this style of leader is his attraction to the spotlight. Perhaps this is where Jeff Bezos, a visionary in business, distances himself from Musk as a leader of the masses. Musk has even made a cameo in Iron Man 2 and has even played himself on The Big Bang Theory. He is very active on Twitter - on this social network he has 21.9 million followers - where he has even joked about the Tesla crisis.

"Bezos is a spectacular person in many ways, but in a very different way than Elon Musk. With Jeff Bezos it's like things suddenly happen and nobody realizes they were happening because he's been moving forward; with Elon Musk everything is very public," comments Luis PĂ©rez Breva. "He has even made his patents public. He has shared everything he knew with the rest, which has also shortened the competitive advantage he had," comments Pere Rosales, who adds. "When we take perspective and teach in the universities of the future what is happening today, we will refer to Elon Musk next to Steve Jobs as a visionary leader who has been in the trenches, so to speak. He's inspiring a whole project because he believes so strongly in it. And because he's putting his heart and soul out there, others see it as authentic."
